Kamis, 28 November 2013

Example Of Job Application Letter

HR Manager
DAL Company
Jln .  Rasunasaid 3
Sourth Jakarta

Dear Sir/Madam ,

I had read the adverstisment in JobsDB that your company is looking for employees to hold multiple positions . Based on the adverstisement , I was interested to join as a Purchasing Manager in accordance with my background and education .
My name is Muhammad Imal Putra, I’m 22 years old , I graduated from the University of Gunadarma majoring in accounting , I consider myself qualified as you want . I have a good motivation to progress and develop , and can work with a team ( team work ) or an individual , and I have over 2 years experience in the field of purchasing .
With my qualifications , I am confident that I will contribute effectively to your company . By this I attach :
1 . Copy of Bachelor Degree ( S - 1 ) Certificate and Academic Transcript .
2 . ID Card Copy
3 . Curriculum Vitae .
4 . Recent photograph with size of 4 × 6
I enclose my curriculum vittae for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon . I am available for interview at your convenience .

Muhammad rachmadhani.

Rabu, 27 November 2013

Contoh Surat Pemesanan Barang Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

 PT. Raya Rebanni
Jalan JATIBENING 1 Raya no.14 Bekasi 14742
Telp. : (021)85904234 Fax. : (021)95902134
Email: raya rebbani@yahoo.com

            October 25th, 2013
Jalan kelud atas no:24
Bekasi, Jakarta
Dear sir, 
Let me intoduce myself, my name is Stephanie Agnesia. I'am secretary of PT.Rambbu Rebanni. 
Shuffle cards with the opening of our new office , we would like to order some computers . The following are the names and specifications of the items we ordered :
30 units of Computer
Computer specs are :
1 . Processor : AMD A10 - 6800K Richland ( Radeon HD8570D ) 4.1Ghz 4MB Cache
2 . Motherboard : MSI FM2 - A85XA - G65 ( FM2 , A85X AMD , DDR3 , USB3 )
3 . Hard drive : WDC 2TB SATA3 64MB - Caviar Black
4 . RAM : Corsair Vengeance Blue DDR3 PC12800 8GB ( 2x4GB )
5 . Casing : Power Up Basic
6 . PSU : Seasonic SS - BE - 750W 750JS - Bronze
The items above we hope that our message can be sent no later than 30 October 2013, please notify immediately if late.
Attention and cooperation, thanks very much.

                                                                                                                               Your Sincerenly,
