Kamis, 01 Mei 2014


But suddenly there you have
This heart hurt
Really I was disappointed, I want to say
Sorry if I fell in love in love
Sorry if my only love
When you've got nothing
Should I think it's just buried
Or do I go ahead
Until you leave, and we shared

WASTE OF A MAN TO BE A Billionaire

WASTE OF A MAN TO BE A Billionaire

Previously I never thought you guys would not even sure there was a garbage man who became a billionaire .
Mulyono , a man who berpekerjaan a garbage man who daily garbage collecting only around a small supermarket around where he lived for his wife and son . He never thought he would get a windfall and never thought I would experience a very drastic change like this .
On a day when Mulyono was looking for garbage , he met an old man who lost a child in a supermarket where he used to seek fortune every day . Bapat it tells a lot about how he initially bias the loss of her son . And finally with a sense of compassion and care for fellow creatures of God , Mulyono was willing to help the old man to find his son .
For hours they searched the surrounding area around the supermarket , the old man felt frustrated to see his son who in searching never met . He was eventually regret himself, because he could not keep the children.
Because prayer in Mulyono catapult to God , and with the permission of God was Mulyono menumukan the son of the old man . With joyful feeling extremely happy and regret not keeping his daughter's biased . The father hugged her and apologized to her .
The old man thanked the garbage man ( Mulyono ) . And in the end the old man was offering decent work for Mulyono future. Mulyono in place in the company owned by the father . Continuously say many thanks to Mulyono . The old man was not thinking rejekinya again . For the work and to return Mulyono give the old man gave most of his property to Mulyono that has mebantu looking for his son.
In the end Mulyono could turn into a billionaire family and the efforts he has given to the old man


Hard, sad, and happy we together
Wounds, sorrow, and love we face ...
Together with you ...
Together ...

Although sometimes we do not the same, no one thought ...
But that temptation, we must go through ...
Together with you ...
Together ...

You are so mean ... Companions
(In my life)
I want you always here ...
(With me)
May we together
Forever ...
Forever ...

Although sometimes we do not the same, no one thought ...
But that temptation, we must go through ...
Together with you ...
Together ...

enough already

The heart may not want you back ...
But this dream I am always proud of ...
And I never regret my love for you ...
For me Wherever you have is enough for me ...

Wherever I go always lonely without you ...
Wherever I stand the ever-present shadow of mu ...

My tears dropped into this for you ...
When you let go of my love for him ...
And in the most beautiful moment with you ...
It is always there in every trace my steps

Bentuk TENSE yang menunjukan waktu ,masa depat dan masa lalu.
Present Simple Tense
S + V1 + (s/es)
He is sleepy now.            
Present Continuous Tense
S + to be (is,am,are) + V-ing
She is reading a novel.
Present Perfect Tense
S + have, has +V3
I have heard this issue before.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
S + have/has + been + V-ing
Mom has been working in this office for one years.
Past Simple Tense
S + V2
I ate fried rice yesterday
Past Continuous Tense
S + were/was + V-ing
He was reading the newspaper when the accident happen.
Past Perfect Tense
S + had + V3
I had copied the lesson before she went to the market.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
S + had been + V-ing
She had already been living there about five years.
Future Simple Tense
S + shall/will + v1 (with be)
S + to be (is, am, are) + going to + V1
Siska will help your homework tomorrow.
My father is going to go to the office this morning.
Future Continuous Tense
S + shall/will + be + V-ing
I will be having breakfast at 7 o’clock.
Future Perfect Tense
S + shall/will + have + V3
Dido will have his homework by the end of this week.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
S + shall/will + have been + V-ing
By next Saturday, they will have been staying here for a week.
Past Future Simple Tense
S + should/would + V1
They asked me whether I would go to Bogor.
Past Future Continuous Tense
S + should/would + be + V-ing
I should be taking an examination at this time.
Past Future Perfect Tense
S + should/would + have + V3
He would have eaten while he is busy.
Past Future Continuous Tense
S + should/would + have been + V-ing
We should have been studyingcomputer system for next test.

Kamis, 28 November 2013

Example Of Job Application Letter

HR Manager
DAL Company
Jln .  Rasunasaid 3
Sourth Jakarta

Dear Sir/Madam ,

I had read the adverstisment in JobsDB that your company is looking for employees to hold multiple positions . Based on the adverstisement , I was interested to join as a Purchasing Manager in accordance with my background and education .
My name is Muhammad Imal Putra, I’m 22 years old , I graduated from the University of Gunadarma majoring in accounting , I consider myself qualified as you want . I have a good motivation to progress and develop , and can work with a team ( team work ) or an individual , and I have over 2 years experience in the field of purchasing .
With my qualifications , I am confident that I will contribute effectively to your company . By this I attach :
1 . Copy of Bachelor Degree ( S - 1 ) Certificate and Academic Transcript .
2 . ID Card Copy
3 . Curriculum Vitae .
4 . Recent photograph with size of 4 × 6
I enclose my curriculum vittae for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon . I am available for interview at your convenience .

Muhammad rachmadhani.

Rabu, 27 November 2013

Contoh Surat Pemesanan Barang Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

 PT. Raya Rebanni
Jalan JATIBENING 1 Raya no.14 Bekasi 14742
Telp. : (021)85904234 Fax. : (021)95902134
Email: raya rebbani@yahoo.com

            October 25th, 2013
Jalan kelud atas no:24
Bekasi, Jakarta
Dear sir, 
Let me intoduce myself, my name is Stephanie Agnesia. I'am secretary of PT.Rambbu Rebanni. 
Shuffle cards with the opening of our new office , we would like to order some computers . The following are the names and specifications of the items we ordered :
30 units of Computer
Computer specs are :
1 . Processor : AMD A10 - 6800K Richland ( Radeon HD8570D ) 4.1Ghz 4MB Cache
2 . Motherboard : MSI FM2 - A85XA - G65 ( FM2 , A85X AMD , DDR3 , USB3 )
3 . Hard drive : WDC 2TB SATA3 64MB - Caviar Black
4 . RAM : Corsair Vengeance Blue DDR3 PC12800 8GB ( 2x4GB )
5 . Casing : Power Up Basic
6 . PSU : Seasonic SS - BE - 750W 750JS - Bronze
The items above we hope that our message can be sent no later than 30 October 2013, please notify immediately if late.
Attention and cooperation, thanks very much.

                                                                                                                               Your Sincerenly,


Senin, 10 Juni 2013

kumpulan puisi

"kebahagiaan itu harus diperjuangkan.
            Bukan dengan cara mengemis minta belas
            rendah diri, dan pasrah nasib!
            Jadi: hidup adalah perjuangan!"

gola gong

rumahku entah di mana
            tak kutemukan di sajak-sajak
            di matahari, dan di bulan
            karena tidurku
            di bawah bintang-bintang
            jauh di rimba belantara
            tenggelam di dasar lautan
            mesti pulang ke mana
            setelah letih mengembara?

gola gong

mengapa penderitaan kaupinang
            padahal kesenangan
            dapat kauraih dengan gampang
            ah, mengapa masih saja bertanya tentang itu
            biarkan, biarkan aku menempuh jejak di rimba
            biarkan, biarkan aku mereguk kisah-kisah
            jangan suruh aku berhenti
            dengan tangis atau senyummu
            sebab aku tak akan peduli!

Toto ST Radik

gadis manis
            jangan biarkan sunyi mengiris-irisku lagi
            telah cukup perjalanan lelahku
            menempuh beratus putaran jarum jam
            melewati duri sangsi dan nyeri hari-hari
            kirimkan ombakmu senantiasa
            agar bertemu kita
            lumat di muara

            Toto S T Radik

lulusan sistem komputer kerja apa ?

Saat ini masih banyak kebutuhan tenaga kerja dibidang Sistem Komputer dimana aplikasi penerapan / pengendalian otomasi dengan komputer mulai banyak diterapkan. Hal ini seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi sistem komputer baik perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunak yang berjalan sangat pesat. Untuk itulah dibutuhkan tenaga ahli profesional yang mampu dan siap pakai untuk dapat mengaplikasikan teknologi komputer tersebut. Dengan penyusunan kurikulum Sistem Komputer yang diarahkan kepada 4 (empat) bidang konsentrasi peminatan, maka lulusan dari Sistem Komputer diharapkan akan menjadi sarjana yang :
  1. Memiliki integritas kepribadian yang tinggi, mandiri, dan profesional.
  2. Dapat bekerja sebagai Sarjana Komputer yang :
    • Memahami seluruh aspek sistem komputer.
    • Memahami jaringan komunikasi data.
    • Memiliki kemampuan/keahlian dalam membangun dan melakukan analisis sistem otomasi dan robotika berbasiskan komputer/ mikro kontroler.
    • Memiliki wawasan pemanfaatan komputer dalam berbagai bidang aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan perangkat keras.
  3. Mempunyai kemampuan untuk dapat melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi.
  4. Mempunyai motivasi untuk mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan melalui kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan.
Pekerjaan yang tepat untuk lulusan sistem komputer :
1. Networking
Dalam bidang ini akan berhubungan dengan jaringan telekomunikasi yang sangat penting dalam jaman sekarang ini. Syarat untuk bekerja di bidang ini harus menguasai teknik switching, mengopraasikaan komputer dan membuat jaringan. Sekarang ini perusahaan banyak yang mengunakan jaringan untuk bertukar data, oleh karena itu kemampuan ini banyak orang lulusan system computer menguasainya.
2. Robotik dan Otomatisasi
Kemampuan analisis sistem dinamik, vision, dan intelegence untuk mengendalikan robot dan perangkat keras dalam industri. Dalam industry robot sangat di perlukan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusia.
3. Digital Sistem
Kemampuan bidang rekayasa dan perancangan perangkat digital berbasiskan VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration). Biasanya perusahaan telepon seperti indosat, telkomsel ,dll sangat membutuhkan profesi ini.
4. Computer System Management
Kemampuan dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan perusahaan / organisasi berbasiskan teknologi komputer.
5. Mobile Technology and Embedded System
Kemampuan merancang dan mengembangkan sistem yang terkait dengan mobile technology dan embedded system . Pada profesi ini sangat jarang orang indonesia yang dapat merancang dan mengambangkan technology mobile, oleh karena itu profesi inilah yang sangat jarang di temukan di Indonesia.
6. Help Desk
Help Desk termasuk Operator teknis. Seorang Help Desk harus mampu mengoperasikan PC stand alone, sistem operasi, instalasi internet, anti virus, back up/restore/data recovery, troubleshooting PC, konversi data, teknik pemrograman, gambar vektor, database, HTML dasar. Help Desk termasuk Level II dalam Level kualifikasi bidang Help Desk.